GenAI Chatbot Safely Assisting Members

5th of June, 2024

Building a bot that uses generative AI is becoming increasingly common, but how do you ensure its reliability and minimize the risk of hallucinations? With its 100.000 members, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse (Eng. Your Health Professional Unemployment Insurance Fund) aimed to offer a top-tier customer experience without compromising the quality of the support.

GenAI + Search = Less Risk, More Self-Service 

One of Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse’s goals is to empower their members to become more self-sufficient and find the information they need easily and quickly. In this case, they upgraded their chatbot with SupWiz powerful search engine (SupSearch) and combined it with GenAI.

By using SupSearch, an AI tool specifically made for finding information, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse can control what knowledge is used to generate answers and ensure only clear and relevant information is presented to the user.

About Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

Among Denmark's 10 largest unemployment insurance funds

∼100.000 members

From seasonal to 24/7 chatbot

Chatbot powered by SupSearch and GenAI

Goal: Self-sufficient members

89% automation

When combining SupSearch with GenAI in their Chatbot, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse’s members get the results presented in a natural conversation style for a more personalized touch.

With control and without hallucinations 

The search engine in Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse’s chatbot also utilizes e.g., confidence scores to determine the reliability of generated responses. This allows Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse to set thresholds, ensuring that only responses with a selected level of confidence are delivered to members.  

In addition, the chatbot uses other safeguards like checking links, excluding specific words or phrases, among others to further ensure the accuracy of the answers provided.

Additionally, the chatbot is trained not to generate guidance for e.g., complex stress-related questions, acknowledging that such situations often require human intervention. Instead, it provides a link with more information.


“We closely follow legal requirements and handle sensitive conversations daily. We need a chatbot that combines these two areas with a smooth user experience.”

- Karen Bregninge, Digital Consultant at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

The following months will remain crucial, as Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse and SupWiz will continue to dive deeper into ensuring the chatbot provides the best possible service for members.


See below the journey of information delivered to the user:

1) Does the knowledge article score above the confidence threshold, and are we allowed to generate a reply? And 2) Was the answer useful for the user and does it contain any invalid URLs?

From Seasonal Chatbot to 24/7 Assistance  

At first, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse needed help handling a lot of member questions, especially in January/February and June when new graduates join. So, they brought in SupWiz’ smart AI Chatbot. But as they realized members needed help beyond those busy times, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse upgraded the chatbot with SupSearch and GenAI to better support them.

Are you ready to take your support to the next level using SupWiz powerful Chatbot?

About Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is the unemployment insurance fund for the health professionals. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse started up in 1942, when Danish nurses joined forces and decided to create an unemployment insurance fund. For several decades, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has alternated between being self-funded and state-recognized, but since 1980, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has existed as we know it today. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is an unemployment insurance fund for students, newly graduated, graduates, unemployed, salaried, or self-employed persons who have a health professional education within the following professional groups: bio analysts, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, midwives, radiographers, and nurses.

Read more about Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse here

About SupWiz

SupWiz is an award-winning SaaS, delivering next-generation AI solutions to improve end-user service and support processes. Our omnichannel and modular solutions include chatbots, voicebots, emailbots, ticket classification & routing, real-time AI assistance for agents, knowledge search engine, and more.  

The solutions enhance existing support systems such as Zendesk, ServiceNow, TopDesk, Puzzel, and many more, improving end-user and agent satisfaction and increasing efficiency. Thousands of agents across different industries use SupWiz' AI solutions, benefiting millions of end-users in multiple languages. Our customers include several large public institutions (e.g., Tax Authorities, Hospitals, and Governmental units) and private organizations like DSV, NNIT,, TV 2, and many more. 

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