Chatbot: tackle busy periods and slow response time

1th of August 2022

Din Sundhedsfaglige A-Kasse, in English: Your Health Professional Unemployment Insurance Fund, implemented an advanced AI chatbot to improve their member service and support during particularly busy periods.

Like other unemployment insurance funds, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse faces an increasing volume of inquiries in certain periods throughout the year, which raises the need for additional support. To tackle these fluctuations Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse enabled a chatbot. Two of the busiest periods of incoming inquiries occur during January/February and June when Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse registered members who recently have graduated start their journey toward the labor market.

Pro-active service and increased accessibility

“When shall I change status to unemployed?” “How do I get an income from an unemployment insurance fund?” These are just a few of the frequently asked questions that SupWiz’ Chatbot at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse, helps answer during the yearly busy periods. The Chatbot automatically provides answers to members reducing the load of the supporting agents at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse. Among many other benefits, the Chatbot also provides a fast personalized, and proactive service as well as increased accessibility to the members.

But more than that SupWiz’ Chatbot helps graduates on their journey towards employment - an exciting and pleasant ride with extraordinary service and support.

Almost everyone knows the difficulties with graduating and signing in an unemployment insurance fund, and the SupWiz Chatbot supports us in helping graduating students on their employment journey and at the same time taking the load off our support agents.
— Rikke Lee Lønberg, Service and Quality Chief at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse.

Adapting to the communication channels members use

Rikke Lee Lønberg, Service and Quality Chief at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse, describes why Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse specifically has chosen the chat function:

Young people make high demands on digital options e.g., concerning self-service and communications platforms, and they have grown up with the chat function e.g., on Facebook and Instagram Direct. They also like the informal dialogue but have high expectations of the guidance.
— Rikke Lee Lønberg, Service and Quality Chief at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse.

Like SupWiz, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse customizes their services to their users’ needs, placing a special role for digitization, wherefore they wanted to accommodate their members’ frequently used channels to increase the value customers get out of their membership.

Do you also want to improve member service and support in your company?

About Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse

Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is the unemployment insurance fund for the health professionals. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse started up in 1942, when Danish nurses joined forces and decided to create an unemployment insurance fund. For several decades, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has alternated between being self-funded and state-recognized, but since 1980, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has existed as we know it today. Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is an unemployment insurance fund for students, newly graduated, graduates, unemployed, salaried, or self-employed persons who have a health professional education within the following professional groups: bio analysts, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, midwives, radiographers, and nurses.

About SupWiz

SupWiz is an award-winning SaaS, delivering next-generation AI solutions to improve end-user service and support processes. Our omnichannel and modular solutions include chatbots, voicebots, emailbots, ticket classification & routing, real-time AI assistance for agents, knowledge search engine, and more.  

The solutions enhance existing support systems such as Zendesk, ServiceNow, TopDesk, Puzzel, and many more, improving end-user and agent satisfaction and increasing efficiency. Thousands of agents across different industries use SupWiz' AI solutions, benefiting millions of end-users in multiple languages. Our customers include several large public institutions (e.g., Tax Authorities, Hospitals, and Governmental units) and private organizations like DSV, NNIT,, TV 2, and many more. 

Stories within the unemployment insurance industry

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